Bubble Studio

Edit your app.db the easy way

Requires a Playstation Vita running system version 3.51 or below with FailMail or system version 3.60 with HENkaku.
Visit this website on your computer.

Load app.db

How to dump?

  1. Send an email to the registered email account on your PS Vita, containing the link email:send?attach=ur0:shell/db/app.db.
  2. Open the email application on your PS Vita and click the link.
  3. A new message dialog should open. Send the email to yourself and download the attachment from a computer.

You lost the game!


Crop your image

Please wait


Modified app.db

Click the first button to download your modified database for use with the FailMail exploit (works on <=3.51). Click the second button to download your modified database for use with molecularShell on HENkaku (works on 3.60).


Extract the savegame archive and transfer it using CMA

Adjusted bubbles



Icon path:

Bootscreen path:

Launcher area:

Select a bubble to edit

Cropping your image

Move your image around using by dragging it across the canvas. Use the slider to zoom or use the scroll wheel.

Dimensions (W x h)

Bubble Icon (icon0)

100px x 100px

Startup screen (pic0)

480px x 272px

Live Area Background (bg0)

960px x 544px

Startup gate (startup)

280px x 158px

Edit launcher area

Launcher area path:


Startup gate:

When editing the launcher area, always change both the background and the startup gate. Why?

Changing the startup gate is currently disabled. There are unsolvable issues prohibiting this action at the moment.

Add a bubble

Bubble name:

Custom TitleID:

Settings game TitleID:

Bubble Image

Instructions (<=3.51)

  1. Extract the savegame archive and transfer it using CMA
  2. Write an email to your PS Vita with ur0:shell/db/app.db as the subject, and the database as an attachment, named #0
  3. Open the email on the Vita, open the attachment, close the app upon error

Instructions (3.60)

  1. Extract the savegame archive and transfer it using CMA
  2. Turn on molecularShell on your PS Vita, establish an FTP connection using your favourite FTP client
  3. Replace app.db located in ur0:shell/db/ with the modified app.db file

Bubble Studio

by Anthe (anthe.studio)

Sources & credits

Simply NextGen RCO Extractor
SFO Editor Written By LMAN
Bubble Creator for TheFlow's PSOne Loader by @cm_pony, edited by szczuru